Saturday, October 4, 2014

Happy anniversary to us!

Ok, it may very well be true that we celebrate too many milestones. But we don't want to forget just how wonderful this life is. So we celebrate the big and the little. Although, to be honest, those are in fact very subjective terms. What's big to you may seem small to me, and vice versa.

But today, by just about anyone's standards, is a day to celebrate. It's the day I arrived in Italy, two stuffed suitcases in tow, and handed my heart to the handsome man wearing his best suit who met me at the airport. Every doubt and fear I had imagined during the (eternal) flight here disappeared when I looked in his eyes.

He has cared for my heart better than even I can do, certainly better than any other man has. He feels the same as I do, that this day wasn't an end to waiting but a beginning of living.

It is truly a day to celebrate. So today, take a moment to thank the universe for being kind; for allowing kindred souls to find each other regardless of distance, language or culture; for nurturing love wherever it grows. Then ask the universe for your hearts desire. It works.


  1. Happy Anniversary (a bit belated)! Your words are touching and inspiring. Much continued joy and celebration in this next year!

    1. Thank you Marsha! we celebrate every day in some small way.

  2. Michele... I just wanted to say Congratulations on your anniversary and your new life in Italy... I enjoy reading your posts, they are so interesting and I feel like I am "in the saddle" with you... xoxo

    1. Thank you anonymous! Life is good here. Lucky you, to enjoy the ride without actually having to get "in the saddle"! I'm glad my words can do that for you!
